
 Teachers bring a lot to the classroom. It is time technology does the same. And it does! Realising this, Silicon has subscribed to the world's most famous Learning Management System which enables remote collaboration of students, interactions between students and teachers, remote access to classroom activities. Our students can collaborate while they are in their respective homes, connect to the smart board of their respective classes and be part of the class even though they are actually away. Using the tablet PCs that every student gets during registration, our dedicated on-campus internet services and this subscription, students can now do group assignment remotely.

At Silicon, we do not only groom the students academically, but technologically as well.


Stay tuned!

Because Silicon Height is a paperless school, most of the operations of staff, students and parents are conducted electronically on our portal. One could also navigate to the portal via our website. Under the "resource" drop-down menu, select "portal". Staff and students use the portal for e-learning and administrative activities. Parents use it for application for admission, admission tracking, students registration, and examination of test results checking. Parents receive SMS notification, the minutes their children's examination results are ready and posted. However, they are always welcome to check the academic progress of their children as they get updated daily by our dedicated staff.

Silicon Height also uses bio-metric attendance system which captures the bio-metric sign in of every student as they arrive the college for lesson in the morning of every working day and as they sign out after closing from school. Parents may choose to be notified as soon as their children sign in for classes every morning or if they did not sign in (absent) after a reasonable "late". Without prejudice to the method of sign in notification chosen, every parent gets informed every day after his child/ward has successfully signed out, for security reason. Not only is a parent notified about a successful sign out, but also the precise time he/she signed out as well. Thus, parent will know when not to worry.

In addition to the above mentioned portal, Silicon also has an e-learning portal as well as Smart Learning Suite Online. These two portals are for academic purposes. Our students use their devices to access these services anywhere, anytime! In the event of an online academic activity that stretches through to week-end, parents might be notified to help ensure a successful completion.

God bless you all.

Stay tuned!


Silicon has secured the approval of Katsina State government to commence Primary School Session. This approval followed the application for same by the college and the relevant authority's satisfaction after evaluation of our facilities and our compliance with extant rules regarding the issue. This is an actualisation of a lot of parents' wish. We thank our clients for their support.

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Telephone: 0803 588 8483
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

No. 01, Turaki Sani Stores Road,
Commercial Layout,
Gidan Dawa, Katsina,
Katsina State, Nigeria

Operating Hours: 8:00AM - 4:00PM
Monday - Friday